
Dental Implants

At Dr. Daniel Boudaie Family Dentistry, we specialize in providing top-notch dental implant services in Burbank, CA. Our dedicated team is committed to restoring your smile and oral health with the latest advancements in dental implant technology.

Get Comfortable Dental Implants with Us

At our dental office, we understand that the decision to get dental implants might require a lot of considerations. That's why we prioritize your comfort throughout the entire process. Our experienced team ensures a seamless experience, from consultation to post-surgery care. We use state-of-the-art technology and techniques to make your dental implant journey as painless and stress-free as possible.


3D Digitally Planned Surgery

Experience precision like never before with our 3D digitally planned surgery for dental implants. Our advanced technology allows us to create a detailed, personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique oral anatomy. This ensures accuracy and optimal results, giving you the confidence that your dental implant procedure is in expert hands.


Why Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer a permanent solution to missing teeth, providing numerous benefits, including:

  • Natural Appearance: Implants look and feel like your natural teeth, enhancing your smile and overall facial aesthetics.
  • Durability: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, providing a long-term solution to tooth loss.
  • Preservation of Jawbone: Implants help maintain the structure of your jawbone, preventing deterioration that can occur with missing teeth.
  • Improved Functionality: Enjoy the ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, just like with natural teeth.


What are Your Options for Dental Implants

Explore a range of dental implant options at Dr. Daniel Boudaie Family Dentistry to find the solution that best fits your unique needs and preferences.

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Regain Your Complete Smile
Full-mouth dental implants are a comprehensive solution for individuals missing all or most of their teeth. This option involves strategically placing dental implants throughout the entire upper or lower jaw, providing stability and a natural-looking full set of teeth. Dr. Daniel Boudaie and our skilled team customize the treatment plan to ensure a comfortable and functional restoration of your entire smile.

Multiple Dental Implants

Restore Several Missing Teeth
If you have multiple missing teeth, multiple dental implants offer a versatile solution. This approach involves placing implants strategically to support dental bridges or other prosthetic options. Whether you're missing teeth in a specific area or on different parts of your dental arch, multiple dental implants can provide a stable foundation for a customized restoration, improving both aesthetics and functionality.

Single Tooth Dental Implants

Precision for Individual Tooth Replacement
For those missing a single tooth, a single-tooth dental implant is a targeted and effective solution. This option involves the placement of a single implant and a custom-designed crown, mimicking the appearance and function of your natural tooth. Single-tooth dental implants offer a permanent and aesthetically pleasing solution to restore your smile, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.


A top-rated dental team

Friendly, compassionate dentists with great reviews.

Meet The Team

Have A Knocked Out Tooth? Schedule An Appointment To Reframe Your Smile.

Ready to transform your smile with dental implants? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Daniel Boudaie Family Dentistry today. Reach out to us by phone (818) 509-1818. Take the first step towards a healthier, more confident you!

We’ve got you covered

We're in-network with major insurance providers to ensure the best dental care. No insurance? Inquire about our membership plan.

Have Doubts Regarding Dental Implants? We Have Your Answer.